Saturday 13 February 2016

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On toughest battlefield in world Siachin glacier, India has lost over 900 soldiers. But news of the brave heart Hanumanthappa Koppad broke hearts of all truly Indians. Hanumanthappa and his nine friend soldiers were resting in their camp at Sonam post, suddenly a huge ice wall crashed upon post, about 9 days ago. They were buried under ice alive, 25 feet below of tightly compacted snow.
Following facts of Hanumanthappa’s life are really inspiring:

     He was rejected thrice by Indian army

He hailed from a small village Betadur from state of Karnataka. Tradition of this village inspired him to be in army forces. Hanumanthappa was rejected by Indian army thrice before he joined army. He was very determinant and passionate about mother India.

He used to walk 6 km to school everyday 

In his childhood he would travel 6 kilometers of distance on his feet to reach school, which was in Aralikatti village.


                    Yoga master

He was deeply religious man. He was not only practicing yoga daily at 18000 feet, but also used to teach his colleagues about breathing exercises.  

                    Liked to work in difficult areas

He was enrolled in 19th Battalion of Madras Regiment in year 2002. He always used to work at difficult battlefields.  His posting at Mahore in Jammu and Kashmir, involvement in operations during 2003 to 2006 shows his bravery and burliness.

          One of the toughest man to work at army

At the age of 32+ he had that kind of fitness which can make any youngster jealous. He was certainly toughest among all men deployed at glacier post. Army experts claim that only 90% of victims of such cases can be revived if provided healthcare within first fifteen minutes and only 27% are alive after 35 minute. This is sufficient to explain strength him and brave heart Indian soldier. 

We must salute him. Indian educational system must include his brave stories in book to inspire youngsters.



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