Saturday 6 February 2016

Prana (Breathe), a Sanskrit word means self-energizing life forces and ayama in Sanskrit means extension. Word-"Pranayama" is formed with these two Sanskrit words. Pranayama is practice of controlling inhaling and exhaling process which in return provides many benefits in terms of health and stamina. Practice of these seven pranayama will improve respiratory system, endocrine system, digestive system and circulatory system.

Benefits of Pranayama:
1. Pramayama control aging.
2. Pramayama will boost your immune system power.
3. Pramayama will keep your mind fresh 24x7.
4. Pramayama makes digestion easy.
5. Pramayama give relief in all heart diseases, skin diseases and show improvements in cancer like deadly diseases
6. Benefits list goes on and on...

Note :   Every yoga video is in English and starts with Sanskrit sholka(poems). If you are not familiar with this Sanskrit language just forward the video for 1 to 2 minutes and follow the instructions to do yoga.


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