Tuesday 23 February 2016

It is common to have eye problems with increasing age, but now a days it more common to have it in adolescence. About 100 billion of people in world are suffering from eyesight problems out of which 40 million are completely blind. Presbyopia in which you lose ability to see closer objects and small printed letters, Floaters in which tiny spots or specks float around your vision field, Color blindness, Dry eyes, Cataracts are main eye sight problems. To avoid these problems is very easy, if you 5 minutes for your eyes health in a week or day. Just follow simple yoga steps from following video.
 Video contains Indian traditional yoga by Yoga Master Ramdev Baba.

Note :   Every yoga video is in English and starts with Sanskrit sholka(poems). If you are not familiar with this Sanskrit language just forward the video for 1 to 2 minutes and follow the instructions to do yoga.



  1. Very nice information.. I followed this yoga and I'm really blessed with it.☺


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